The Ringmer Food Bank:

We are really pleased to be supporting Ringmer Village via the Foodbank and wanted to let you know of some upcoming changes which may affect you.

From 1 April 2023

1 Contacts: Please call: 07586 742842 or

2 the Foodbank will operate on Mondays (apart from Bank Holidays) from 11 am to 12 noon. All parcels will need to be collected between these times. If this date and time is not convenient, please let us know and we will refer you to another local foodbank with different opening hours.

3 we will no longer operate a home delivery service. All parcels will need to be collected either in person or by a nominated third party from Ringmer Library Resource Room. If you nominate a third party to collect your parcel, please confirm their name to us before 10 am on Monday. If you do not have a friend or relative who can help, please contact Ringmer Good Neighbours (07340118758 or as a volunteer may be able to assist.

4 each weekly parcel will be made up of a range of staple, store cupboard items. If we have stocks available, there will be the opportunity when you collect your parcel to replace a few of the items with something similar. Items will cater for special dietary requirements and size of family unit, but the type of items supplied will be of a store cupboard nature and will have long shelf lives.

5 each week we will ask you to sign for your parcel, to confirm receipt, and let us know whether you require a parcel the following week. Final numbers will be needed by 12 noon on the preceding Friday.

6 there will be an increased number of Foodbank volunteers. You may not therefore see the same people every week. All those who serve will be fully aware of nature of the Foodbank and will have agreed to a Code of Conduct. We know you will find them kind and efficient.

7 we will be looking further at our processes over the coming weeks, as well as speaking to other Foodbanks about how they operate. We will let you know should there be any further changes to our procedures which might affect you.

We look forward to continuing to serve you via the Foodbank.